ComicVket 3 Hygipt
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Creative music. Folk style fantasy story. Royalty free BGM material. I weave stories about deserts and travel with sounds and words. Japanese style story music CD with "Komori-uta" popular in our circle youtube is now on sale. HP:https://www.everlasting-tale.com/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/et_minari YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/et_minari Shop:https://everlastingtale.booth.pm/
- 同人音楽musicfantasyoriginal創作物語音楽Essyu
- 同人音楽musicfantasyvocaltraditionaloriginal物語音楽Keyuko
- 同人音楽音楽musicvocalJapanese和風物語音楽meikon-no-hanaakari
- 同人音楽musicvocal創作音楽和風Japanese物語音楽haru-matu-uta-to,yukidoke-no-tori
- 同人音楽musicBGMfantasyoriginalMilly and the Amber Forest
- 同人音楽musicHorrorホラーBGMoriginalMilly and the Ghost of Cordierite
- 同人音楽originalmusicBGMArabianEthnicアラビアンエスニックMilly and the Palace of the Garnet